iOS Architecture and Testability guidelines with Core Data and Async/Await | iOS Dev Live Mentoring

This video was publicly available only until March 21st, 2022. Now, it's only available to students of the iOS Lead Essentials program.

To become a complete senior iOS developer, you need to know how to architect your apps to facilitate testing. Especially when using complex frameworks like Core Data.

The goal is to test the app behavior (and not the Core Data framework, which is already tested by Apple).

This way, you're free to refactor and optimize your Core Data implementations without breaking the tests (as long as we don't break the behavior!).

So watch this mentoring session now and learn guidelines to improve and make your Core Data implementations easily testable.

As a bonus, you'll also learn how to:

  • Access Core Data models across modules
  • React to text field changes with Combine
  • Use Async/Await safely in your code and tests

So don't miss out! Watch it now.

But hurry up because this video is publicly available only until March 21st, 2022. After that, it'll only be available to students of the iOS Lead Essentials program.

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