How to make better architecture decisions in SwiftUI | iOS Dev Live Mentoring

If you want to become a complete senior iOS developer, you need to learn how to develop good apps regardless if you're using UIKit or SwiftUI.

That's because frameworks are implementation details (including UI frameworks!).

And in a healthy codebase, you should be able to change implementation details and frameworks quickly and easily (without rewriting the whole app!).

To do so, the UI should be a plugin in your architecture. So you can easily develop, test, maintain, and deploy it in isolation.

So watch this mentoring session now and learn how to:

  • Make good architecture decisions regardless of frameworks.
  • How to share logic and move from UIKit to SwiftUI easily.
  • Make logic testable in SwiftUI.

And much more!

So hurry up and don't miss out. Click to watch it now.

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