How senior iOS devs do safe Core Data migrations with tests | Live Dev Mentoring

This video was publicly available only until May 2nd, 2022. Now, it's only available to students of the iOS Lead Essentials program.

Many iOS apps lose user data because of bad Core Data migrations. The app may not even open anymore (💥 crashing on startup!). The common user response is to delete the app and leave a bad review. Don't let it happen to you!

To become a complete senior iOS developer, you need to know how to safely migrate Core Data models without losing users' data. Including lightweight and heavyweight Core Data migrations.

So watch this practical mentoring session now and learn how to test-drive Core Data migrations with ease.

But hurry up because this video is publicly available only until May 2nd, 2022. After that, it'll only be available to students of the iOS Lead Essentials program.

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